Mobile Learning for the CFA® Exam

a cfa candidate preparing for the exam with his mobile
cfa candidates find it difficult to take time out to study due to their lifestyle and jobs. A mobile learning platform can help them study anytime & anywhere.
a cfa candidate preparing for the exam with his mobile

Today’s CFA candidate leads a busy, on-the-go lifestyle juggling multiple responsibilities, including work and family. That’s why contemporary CFA prep providers must adapt and design innovative solutions that meet their shifting needs. Now that the CFA Exam has switched to a computer-based test format, one of the essential user experience features CFA prep providers should adopt is mobile learning or M-Learning. A mobile learning platform should be a priority and core function, not an afterthought or add-on to their product offerings. This article will explore mobile learning.

What Is M-Learning?

M-Learning provides a portable educational experience with endless opportunities for active learning. Studying with a well-designed M-Learning platform allows you to learn efficiently without tying you down to a desk or burying you in a textbook. Providers who emphasize M-Learning empower you to study anything, anywhere, and at any time.

Mobile-First Design

As a CFA candidate considering your many options to prepare for the high-stakes CFA Exam, a solution built on a mobile-first design would be helpful. Mobile-first design refers to building websites and programs prioritizing how the content and information will work and appear on a mobile device.

How M-Learning Works for You

The benefits of M-Learning for students are undeniable. Besides the obvious advantage of learning on the go, it also gives learners a way to study more effectively. M-Learning allows students to learn and progress at their own pace. It also provides a more dynamic learning experience than traditional study methods.

A mobile-first solution offers you many advantages as you prepare for the Exam. It eliminates fluff and filler and instead presents all the most critical content in an easily accessible and digestible format. If you use a tablet with a larger screen, there is more room for enhancements. These are all designed to optimize the mobile experience to complement the most important content. But at the core of it all is a portable design that works the best to suit your increasingly on-the-go lifestyle.

Best of all, M-Learning has been shown to increase retention and completion rates. It turns out that having convenient access to interesting active-learning materials in the palm of your hand makes it easier to complete your study goals and improve your chances of passing. 

With UWorld Finance, every aspect of your learning goals is supported. Whether you like to sit down at your computer to study or are always on the go and need more portable learning platforms, our products are designed to meet you where you are and give you the best learning experience (not to mention the best chance to pass the CFA Exam). 

When you choose a CFA Exam prep course to help you study for the CFA Exam, you deserve the best and most well diligently planned and produced product on the market. That’s why UWorld doesn’t outsource but develops and produces all of our test prep programs in-house. We are committed to providing you with the best content and technology, and we strive to ensure that our quality assurance process is never compromised.

Start your free trial of our CFA Level 1 Learning Platform today and see how M-Learning can change your study habits for the better!

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