Bridge the Career-Readiness Gap With UWorld

Fast-Track Graduates to Top-Tier Careers

UWorld partners with institutions globally to graduate highly qualified students on time with customized, up-to-date, career-centered courses that integrate seamlessly into existing curriculums.

Our Partners

Saint Mary’s University Logo
Texas Tech University Logo
The University of Utah Logo
Universidad de las Americas Logo
Universidad De Navarra Logo
Keele University Logo
University of Exeter Business School Logo
IM Global Knowledge Mauritius Logo

Increase Student Enrollment, Retention, and Engagement

When you partner with UWorld, you partner with a team of in-house, certified experts with tangible connections to the industry that offer continued support beyond implementation.

Customizable Assignments

Employ ready-made, high-quality lecture videos, test bank questions, and quizzes based on the topics you teach.

Data-Driven Insights

Track progress and performance by student, class, or cohort with comprehensive analytics and reporting tools.

Supplemental Curriculum

Integrate content that reflects current industry standards and connects what students are learning to their future careers.

On-Campus Support

This isn’t prep in a box. We offer continued support with on-boarding sessions, webinars, and on-campus events.

Industry Connections

Our sales team fosters mutually beneficial relationships between universities and firms to address the pipeline and enrollment crises.

White-Glove Service

Guide students toward what’s possible with slide decks, promotional kits, campus reps, and dedicated customer service.

Provide Students with a Pathway to Career Success

Give students a roadmap to career success with supplementary courses mapped to certification exams that emphasize career-ready skills (CFA, CPA, CMT, CIA, CMA).

Each Course Includes…

  • An extensive collection of unique test bank questions covering foundational concepts
  • Engaging video lessons presented by leading accounting, and finance instructors
  • Auto-graded assignments provide immediate performance feedback to students and faculty.
Learn how this major university revamped its finance curriculum to help recent graduates stand out in a competitive job market.

Get Students Thinking Like Professionals

Prepare students for their careers with routinely updated, exam-level questions featuring detailed rationales that guide students through the thought process of a professional.

Combine Self-Study with Instructor Guidance

Identify at-risk students early with data insights, distribute personalized assignments based on need, and empower students with a suite of quality resources that develop job-relevant skills.

Create Customized Assignments Mapped to Career-Readiness

Incorporate lecture videos, assign questions, and asses your students’ knowledge of key concepts. Customize based on student performance and distribute based on need.

Assign Video Lectures from Leading Industry Experts

Assign students video lectures from certified and chartered instructors to watch at home so they can come to the class prepared for interactive exercises, group work, and discussion.

Offer Cutting-Edge Learning Tools

Provide students with enhancements like spaced-repetition flashcards, a digital MyNotebook, and for self-study a dynamic study planner that adapts curricula to their schedules.

Equip Students with the Knowledge Needed to Pass

Every formula, concept, and topic your students need to pass their certification exams, distilled into a concise roadmap by our in-house team of finance and accounting professionals.

Monitor Data to Remediate Quickly and Precisely

Deploy ready-made assignments or create quizzes and assignments from a full library of exam-level questions and insert them into your course with one click. Get a visual overview of cohort weaknesses and easily identify students who are falling behind and course correct immediately.

Students Want Certification Training, According to Data

Students expect more than just a degree; they want to secure high-paying, fulfilling careers in their desired field. And they believe that finance and accounting degrees and certifications will empower them to do so.

Graph showing 93% of students believe upskilling or acquiring certifications are important.
93% believe the upskilling or acquiring certifications are important.
Graph showing 72% believe that certifications will help them secure higher salaries.
72% believe that certifications will help them secure higher salaries.
Graph showing 69% believe that certifications will significantly impact their job opportunities.
69% believe that certifications will have a significant impact on their job opportunities.

Connect with a UWorld Representative Today

We provide institutional discounts to companies and universities worldwide. Let’s develop a plan that works for you and your institution.

Here’s What Our Students Are Saying…

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