How a Support System Can Help You Pass the CFA® Exam

CFA Lifestyle
We all know the stress of the CFA Exam. Learn how a strong support system - your family, parent(s), sibling, cousin, and so on can help you pass the CFA Exam.
CFA Lifestyle

No matter who we are or what we do, we all have our fair share of stressful moments. That’s when we could all use a support system. And when your stressor is the rigorous CFA Exam, you’ll want to make sure you have a strong support system. Sometimes a stable support system can be the difference between pushing through a difficult challenge or walking away from it. If you don’t have a support system in place, this article will help you change your mindset from “I can do it alone” to “I could use a reliable team in my corner.” More specifically, it will show you how your support system can help you pass the CFA Exam.

So how do you develop a dependable team of supporters? You receive more when you give more, so it’s much easier to find support when you first support others. The most comfortable place to start might be with your family—your parent(s), a sibling, a cousin, an aunt, or an uncle. 

Be genuinely interested in their lives; ask them a couple of open-ended questions about something they are pursuing or a subject you know they care deeply about. Listen actively and commit their responses to memory. When they share the news with you about a big goal they want to or have achieved, be excited, encourage, and celebrate them. If they are courageous enough to share their “failures” with you, be empathetic and understanding, too.

You’ll need to learn how to support others genuinely, but as you do, you’ll find a team of supporters reciprocating and gravitating to you (think of the law of attraction). In that spirit, when you need help, step out of your comfort zone and ask your partner, friends, co-workers, or online networks. After you’ve developed a reliable and trusted support network, dare to be vulnerable—share your CFA journey and all the things that make you anxious. 

You’ll be surprised by the kind of support your network will offer you. Friends may absolutely hate the topic of finance and not understand it whatsoever, but they might still reach out just to ask how your CFA studies are going. That feeling of being supported is priceless, especially when you might be having a bad day or need extra support from those around you.

While your support system can help you, remember that they’re not mind readers. They may want to help, but without knowing what you need they may be hesitant to volunteer. So it’s up to you to be clear as to what you need, and if they ask how they can support you, be specific with your answers. Maybe they can help you review flashcards or let you teach them a difficult CFA concept you’re still trying to figure out. 

Another significant benefit of having a support system is emotional support. Most people can relate to experiencing failure at least once in their life (and likely a whole lot more than that!)If you are feeling down, or need a break, lean on your support system because they can help you get through the doldrums. A reliable support system could potentially be the difference between your earning the CFA charter or not. Good luck!

If you want to optimize your chances of success in the CFA Exam, click here for a FREE trial of our CFA Level 1 Exam Learning Platform.

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