Portfolio Management (PM)
Summary, Syllabus, Topics, and Sample Questions (L1, L2, L3)

The Portfolio Management (PM) topic is at the core of the CFA® Program, thus reflecting its interest as a career choice among the candidates. The material starts relatively lightly at Level 1 (8-12%) and increases in scope and weight at Level 2 (10-15%). PM makes up 35-40% of the Level 3 exam. Candidates should build a strong foundation in this topic, which will pay dividends as they progress through the material.

The Importance of Portfolio Management in the CFA Program

The fundamentals of the portfolio management process can be divided into three main steps: planning, execution, and feedback. In the planning phase, the manager acquires a deep understanding of the client's needs, whether an individual or an institutional investor. Subsequently, the manager compiles crucial information in the Investment Policy Statement, creating a documented plan that reflects the client’s return objectives, risk tolerance, and investing constraints.

Once the plan is established, the manager  determines the appropriate asset allocation: how much of the client's portfolio should be allocated to each broad asset class, such as equity and fixed income, in alignment with the client's risk tolerance and desired return profile. The curriculum encompasses essential topics like risk management, behavioral biases, and performance measurement. More recently, the curriculum has expanded to include fintech subjects like machine learning, big data, and distributed ledger technology.

Strategies for Excelling in Portfolio Management on the CFA Exam

While a candidate learns how to value individual securities, analyzing a portfolio is also crucial to becoming a competent asset or wealth manager. A great financial advisor must also be able to customize the combination of securities to fit clients' risk profiles.

  • Expect portfolio management questions to heavily involve calculations, particularly related to risk, return, and diversification, such as correlation.
  • Prioritize practice in calculating crucial risk metrics like variance, covariance, correlation, standard deviation, and beta, as well as various return measures, such as time-weighted or holding period return, and comparing them.
  • Keep an eye on terminology and definitions as they abound within the realm of portfolio management.
  • Commit to memory the objectives (risk and return) and constraints outlined in the Investment Policy Statement (IPS). Additionally, familiarize yourself with the risk categories and asset classes suitable for both institutional and individual investors.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of key concepts like the Capital Market Line (CML), the Capital Allocation Line (CAL), and the derivation of the Security Market Line (SML) from the CML. Be well-acquainted with the Efficient Frontier and the concept of an optimal portfolio.
  • Although few, the principles tested hold significant weight. The Investment Policy Statement (IPS) and its components are notably testable and should be thoroughly understood.
  • While portfolio management is present in Levels 1 and 2, it becomes the primary focus in Level 3,  which delves into critical aspects of portfolio management like asset allocation, risk management, managing institutional investor portfolios, and evaluating portfolio performance.

Visit our CFA exam level 1 Study Schedule and CFA Level 2 Study Schedule for more information.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Portfolio Management on the CFA Level 1 exam varies in difficulty for each candidate based on their prior knowledge and experience. It is moderately challenging, building upon fundamental concepts from earlier sections. Candidates need a basic understanding of theories and concepts like diversification, asset allocation, and risk management. Familiarity with investment products and securities is important. To prepare, candidates should allocate ample study time, solve practice problems, and focus on grasping underlying theories. This builds a strong foundation and improves their chances of success.
To prepare for CFA portfolio management questions, start by reviewing the curriculum and understanding the concepts. Solve practice questions from various sources, including the CFA Institute, study materials, and online forums like UWorld. Analyze your mistakes and learn from them. Practice time management by solving questions within the exam’s time limits. Focus on key topics like Financial Statement Analysis and Ethics, while allocating sufficient time to portfolio management. Seek feedback from study groups or a tutor to improve your study plan. Following these steps will help you develop an effective practice routine for the CFA Level 1 portfolio management section.
Yes, the CFA charter can be an excellent credential for a career in Portfolio Management. The CFA program provides a comprehensive and rigorous education in investment management, covering a wide range of topics such as ethics, financial analysis, economics, and portfolio management. Having the CFA charter demonstrates to employers and clients that you have a deep understanding of these concepts and are committed to ethical practices. It can also increase your marketability and career opportunities in the field of Portfolio Management, as the credential is highly respected within the industry. However, it’s important to note that while the CFA charter can enhance your career prospects, it’s not a guarantee of success. A successful career in Portfolio Management also requires experience, strong analytical skills, and the ability to communicate effectively with clients and colleagues.
Yes, the Portfolio Management topic gets more challenging in the CFA Level 2 exam compared to the CFA Level 1 exam. In Level 2, the Portfolio Management topic builds upon the foundational concepts introduced in Level 1 and includes more advanced concepts and techniques. In particular, Level 2 Portfolio Management covers topics such as asset allocation, risk management, and performance evaluation. The material is more quantitative, and candidates are expected to have a good understanding of statistical concepts and financial modeling techniques. Additionally, the CFA Level 2 exam places a greater emphasis on the application and analysis of concepts, requiring candidates to be able to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. Overall, while Portfolio Management is not the most heavily weighted topic in the CFA Level 2 exam, it is still an important topic and requires a significant amount of time and effort to master.

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