CFA® Derivative Investments | Summary, Syllabus, Topics, and Sample Questions (L1, L2, L3)

Derivative investments are financial instruments that derive their value from an underlying asset, which can include stocks, currencies, commodities, or interest rates. Initially designed for hedging commodity risk, over time, they have evolved to serve as tools for investors to manage various forms of risk and achieve higher returns compared to traditional investments. Broadly speaking, derivative investments fall into two categories: forward commitments and contingent claims.
CFA candidate working on the readings for the Derivative Investment section
Derivative Investments
Topic Weight Number of Questions
Level 1 5-10% 4-8
Level 2 5-8% 9-14

Forward commitments entail a contractual obligation between parties to execute a predetermined transaction at a future date, with terms agreed upon in advance. In contrast, contingent claims grant a party the right, but not the obligation, to partake in a prospective transaction under specified conditions.

Derivative investments are traded through 2 primary channels: exchange-traded and over-the-counter (OTC). Exchange-traded derivatives adhere to standardized terms and conditions, whereas OTC-based derivatives offer greater customization options to investors.

The most common Derivative Investments used by investors are:

  • Future Contracts
  • Options (call and put)
  • Forward Contracts
  • Swaps
  • Credit Default Swaps

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The best way to study for the exam is to practice with a QBank across all chapters and readings. UWorld’s CFA Level 2 exam prep allows you to review your progress and acts as a catalyst for expediting your preparation. We also suggest you attempt practice problems from CFA Institute’s official Level 2 curriculum.
CFA Level 2 Derivative Investments is considered a difficult and time-consuming topic. Working from practice problems given at the end of every reading in the CFA Institute’s official curriculum is not enough. Moving through a Qbank of other available resources is also helpful. After practicing, the best way to monitor your current understanding of the content is to take mock exams. UWorld’s CFA Level 2 test prep closely replicates the actual CFA Level 2 exam experience, keeping your foundations strong for the test day.
CFA Level 2 Derivative Investments is heavily sprinkled with complex calculations. That’s why complete knowledge and much more practice are the keys to success. Try to memorize formulas while doing practice problems, but also see them as mathematical representations of concepts.
After practicing hard with QBank, the optimal approach to assess your understanding of the content is taking mock exams. UWorld’s CFA mock exams closely replicate the actual CFA Level 1 exam to help you prepare and boost your confidence on test day. Like the actual CFA Exam, our mock exams consist of two 2-hour and 15-minute sessions (4.5 hours total), each with 90 multiple-choice questions unique to the mock exams. The question topics and the order of the topics follow the CFA exam design to give you a truly exam-like experience.
Understanding the concept first and then going through the structure of the formula will help you grasp the formula. Think of the formula as the mathematical representation of the concept. As you build this foundation of understanding, reinforce it through repetition and application. Look at our CFA L1 Formula sheet for further resources and tips.
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